CACAO : Raw, Heirloom + Organic
CACAO : Raw, Heirloom + Organic
Ekki tókst að hlaða framboði á afhendingum
A Little History on Cacao Arriba
This is one of our favorite cacaos sources on the planet. This farm in Ecuador is run by a visionary and received recognition for "denominacion de origen". A term that translates to a high-standard and next-level quality production on heirloom varieties. This also indicates that the origin of that ancestral cultivation is true to its area, meaning there was no foreign pollination or seeds added in the mix of its reproduction. This is revolutionary in todays world!
Did you know Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) means "Food of the Gods"?
Medicinal Properties
Did you know that cacao contains 40x more anti-oxidants than blueberries? It has an amazing ORAC score of 98,000 per 100g, vs blueberries at a mere 2,400. ORAC scores measure the ability of antioxidants to absorb free radicals (that come from pollution and toxins in our environment), which cause cell and tissue damage and can lead to diseases such as cancer.
Cacao is also loaded with iron and magnesium. Cacao is the highest plant-based source of iron known to man, at a whopping 7.3mg per 100g. This compares to beef at 2.5mg, and spinach at 3.6mg.
Raw cacao is also one of the highest plant-based sources of magnesium, the most deficient mineral in the Western world. Magnesium is important for a healthy heart and helps turn glucose into energy enabling your brain to work with laser-sharp clarity and focus. This might just be the reason your body craves cacao when you're pulling an all-nighter! Last but not least, cacao contains more calcium than regular cow's milk. Cacao has 160mg per 100g vs only 125mg per 100ml of milk.
Cacao is also a great source to help combat depression. Cacao is a great source of four scientifically proven bliss chemicals – serotonin, tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylethylamine. These neurotransmitters are associated with cosy feelings of wellbeing, happiness, and can even alleviate depression.
Full Fat Organic Cacao Powder (20-22%)
1/2-1tsp (we recommend everyone to listen to their body intuitively, follow the dosage that resonates the most with yo
Kaupandi hefur 14 daga til að hætta við kaupin að því gefnu að hann hafi ekki notað vöruna, henni sé skilað í góðu lagi í upprunalegum umbúðum. Ef vara er innsigluð má ekki rjúfa innsiglið. Fresturinn byrjar að líða þegar varan er afhent skráðum viðtakanda. Kvittun fyrir vörukaupunum þarf að fylgja með.
Heimsending bætist við allar vörur en pantanir með heimsendingu eru sendar heim að dyrum með Dropp eða á næstu afhendingarstaði Dropp, eftir því hvað er valið.
Sendingarkostnaður bætist við pöntun áður en greiðsla fer fram. Við pantanir undir 10.000 krónum bætist við 690 krónur í sendingarkostnað velji viðskiptavinur að sækja á afhendingarstaði Dropp. Velji viðskiptavinur heimsendingu með Dropp bætast við 1350 krónur í sendingarkostnað. Velji viðskiptavinur heimsendingu með Póstinum bætast við 1490 krónur í sendingarkostnað.
Frítt að sækja á afhendingarstaði Dropp fyrir pantanir yfir 10.000 kr.
Veljir þú að sækja pöntun frekar en að fá hana senda getur afgreiðsla tekið 1-2 virka daga. Þú færð tölvupóst um leið og pöntunin er tilbúin til afhendingar.
Afhending pantana fer fram í Jógastúdíó í Ánanaustum 15, 101 Reykjavík. Pantanir eru afhentar á miðvikudögum milli 10.00 og 16.00.