QI ENERGY & PROTEIN : Adaptogenic Superpowder
QI ENERGY & PROTEIN : Adaptogenic Superpowder
Ekki tókst að hlaða framboði á afhendingum
Adaptogenic | Adrenal Support | Plant Protein | Sustainable Energy | Prebiotic Power
Qi, in traditional Chinese Medicine, translates to ‘vital energy’, the circulating force that pulsates life.
The nutrition in Qi predominates in deep adrenal revival due to the adaptogenic powerhouses present within the formula. Restore the energy back from old exhaustion and transform it into limitless and sustainable energy. This blend is a mix of essential superfoods used in different parts of Central and South America, such as Chia, Hemp and Maca. Essentials used in Native American traditions such as Slippery Elm and Mesquite, and others used in Ayurveda and TCM such as Ashwagandha and Astragalus.
Many of these deeply botanicals botanicals are prebiotics, which directly promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and help suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Every single ingredient is known and studied to provide all the necessary nutrients for sustained cellular energy. The spectrum of essential nutrients in these herbs, roots, and seeds provides the body with enough mineralized fuel to recover and keep going.
Qi is loaded with natural protein (hemp, chia and maca), and can aid in digestive health, may support blood sugar, can help regulate hormonal function, works to assist adrenal fatigue, helps protect the immune system, and may boost longevity.*
The ashwagandha, astragalus, maca and burdock are all steam extracted powders. Therefore making them ready for use.
This is not your common “protein powder” that you oftentimes find in the wellness market. This is strictly botanical, without any commercial GMO fillers such as pea protein, peanut protein, etc. These are nutrient dense botanical treasures that are tastey with a high amount of vitamins, protein and more.
Key Benefits:
+ Adaptogenic, protects from the damaging effects of multiple stressors.
+ Energizing and nutrient dense.
+ Rich in plant-based protein.
+ Hormone normalizer.*
+ May regulate blood sugar.*
+ Can assist in reversing adrenal fatigue.*
+ May aid digestive health and soothe the colon.*
+ Helps protect the immune system, and boost longevity.*
Kaupandi hefur 14 daga til að hætta við kaupin að því gefnu að hann hafi ekki notað vöruna, henni sé skilað í góðu lagi í upprunalegum umbúðum. Ef vara er innsigluð má ekki rjúfa innsiglið. Fresturinn byrjar að líða þegar varan er afhent skráðum viðtakanda. Kvittun fyrir vörukaupunum þarf að fylgja með.
Heimsending bætist við allar vörur en pantanir með heimsendingu eru sendar heim að dyrum með Dropp eða á næstu afhendingarstaði Dropp, eftir því hvað er valið.
Sendingarkostnaður bætist við pöntun áður en greiðsla fer fram. Við pantanir undir 10.000 krónum bætist við 690 krónur í sendingarkostnað velji viðskiptavinur að sækja á afhendingarstaði Dropp. Velji viðskiptavinur heimsendingu með Dropp bætast við 1350 krónur í sendingarkostnað. Velji viðskiptavinur heimsendingu með Póstinum bætast við 1490 krónur í sendingarkostnað.
Frítt að sækja á afhendingarstaði Dropp fyrir pantanir yfir 10.000 kr.
Veljir þú að sækja pöntun frekar en að fá hana senda getur afgreiðsla tekið 1-2 virka daga. Þú færð tölvupóst um leið og pöntunin er tilbúin til afhendingar.
Afhending pantana fer fram í Jógastúdíó í Ánanaustum 15, 101 Reykjavík. Pantanir eru afhentar á miðvikudögum milli 10.00 og 16.00.